Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Helpless Pair!!

So Brad and I have had a very hard weekend! So many things to cause just the right amount of annoyance.
I have very sensitive skin, so I grew up getting little rashes or things on my skin that usually just went away. But I've had a rash for about a week now and it was itchy and all that fun stuff. But nothing I put on it would make it feel better, we tried just about everything! I finally went to the doctors yesterday and what do you know?! I have shingles! (I decided an actual picture of shingles would be pretty gross... so I thought I would spare you all.) And since I didn't go to the doctor when I first saw the rash, there is nothing she can do or give me. So I have about another week or 2 of the pain. I'm thinking of making a paper chain.. but who knows! Second reason why were a a helpless little bunch is Brad ended up in the hospital while I was at work. As many or you may or may not know, Brad is anaphylactic towards peanut oil, peanuts, any thing with the word nut (pretty much). I don't mind this, it has been a change but I love him so it is worth it to me if he lives! Anways, I worked from 5 to 1:30 saturday night and so Brad went and played guitar hero (guirtaro) with some friends and their wives. His friend had made some hot wings, which I dont' know if you know this but Brad could live off of wings, So he was really excited.
Now the 2 couples that were their, we are really close to one of them and the couple that made the hot wings, it was Brad's first time hanging out with them. So Brad ate one of his wings, and loved the sauce, he asked what was in it, (and usually Danny, who maded the wings doesn't tell his "secret ingredients") Danny told him the secret was the spicy peanut sauce, and Brad and our close friends grabe the bottle and see the first ingredient in the sauce is peanut butter, Brad told them he needed to go to the hospital right away. So they took off to the hospital with Brad's lips and toungue swelling. Luckily I think his air way didn't close up right away because he took a benidryl before going over because of cats. So when I got home at about 1:15 I couldn't believe what Brad was telling me.
So Brad was all better, minus me being a nervous wreck since this is his first reaction since we've been married, I think I stayed up all night checking on him to make sure he was still breathing. But everything is ok Brad is better and I will be soon....hopefully!


Anonymous said...

Well, at least you do things together :-) I'm so sorry about the shingles :-( I love the paper chain idea! Where did you get such a wonderful idea?? Hang in there you two. I'm so glad to hear that Brad is still breathing. We are going to see Wicked on Christmas Eve (the matinee). Yay!! I'll have to tell the story. These things only happen to me. . .sigh! Talk to you soon.

Shannon said...

Bummer dude! I can't believe it was shingles. Yuck. Remember when you got that rash that turned out to be tiny bugs in your skin. I think we were on vacation in Cedar City or something. Also, scary about Brad. Glad that he's fine. Hope things are going well. I will give you a call this weekend to see what your plans are for Thanksgiving. Love you guys!

joyous said...

You poor things!! That sounds like a very unfun weekend...mostly for you since you're still dealing with the shingles. I hope you feel better soon! Love ya lots.

sara said...

Shingles is contagious, if I'm remembering right? But maybe not if Brad didn't get it and you're going to work. I do remember working with some kids who had it and it was NO fun for them! I can't believe Brad is allergic to peanuts. How sad!! That is crazy he ended up in the hospital but I'm glad all is well now.

Olson Family said...

ya... that was me with the bugs, I told jason the story and he was seriously grossed out. Like couldnt look at me for a minute. how sad. Melanie.... get better!! I dont like having a sick bunch in Idaho!! Cant wait for christmas!! <3