Sunday, February 8, 2009

Super Bowl Party!!

This is our finished dining room. I love this room mostly because it's the only really finished room! ha But that was our decore for the super bowl, we had tons of food, the table was full of stuff, I didn't get a picture though.. bummer! During the half time show, our friend Danny brought his rock band stuff, and this is the girls rocking out! ha It was really fun to have and it's nice to have some room for it.
Behind Travis you can see the full wall decorations, and on them are like 4 inch candles! Travis made deviled eggs and lil' smokies wrapped in bacon for the party and everyone loved them, he was the hit of the party!!

This is my grizzly man, I was the nice wife that let him grow a beard during the winter since he has to shave for school, 7 months out of the year...i know, it's cute?! ha Brad loves it though, so that's what matters! He's wearing his Lofa Tatupu Seahawks jersey for the big game!

This is the other view of the table and the big cooler of drinks! Not kidding they were all cleared out! Thank goodness I got plenty! I had so much fun getting the decorations of the party, and Every item was a dollar! Thanks to the dollar spot at Target!

More to come soon, since Brad and I are on our anniversary trip at the Grand Targhee Resort!...


jilljohnson said...

Looks like you had a lot a fun.

joyous said...

Woot!! What a party!! I'm glad you guys had a good time. Your house looks cute, but I still need more pictures. Just do a walkthrough with a camera...that will take care of it for me! Hope you guys are having fun on your trip. :)