Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Bowl

Ok, so I know this is like 2 weeks old, but at least it's being posted! Brad and I had our 2nd Annual Super Bowl Party with a few friends. It was so much fun, obviously our team lost but whatever we had a lot of fun and food! Brad and I got matching jerseys last summer and wore them whenever we watched the Colts! We love Peyton!!! We had tons of food. I did a nacho bar that was a hit and so fun! I also did blue and gold sugar cookies in the shapes of stars! (Blue for the Colts, Gold for the Saints) Brett and Alyssa brought this yummy cherry cheesecake made out of cherry chip cake! So good. Jen and BJ brought yummy banana bread with maple frosting and apples with a really good dip we had tried the week before with them. Danny and Heather brought the best egg rolls!! So we really did have a ton of food.
We had plenty to drink and still have a ton left over but we still have Blazer games to watch with friends so it's come in handy!

This was Brad having too much fun with the camera when Danny and Heather arrived! See all that snow...Blah!

This is Brynlee who we absolutely love! She's BJ and Jens daughter, just turned 1 about a month ago! She's so funny, and leaves Brad and I cracking up! She was really good throughout the yelling, laughing, and all around loud noise. She also really loves Brad!


Shannon said...

Now that's what I call a Superbowl party! Fun! The pictures of all that yummy food are making me hungry though. You and Brad sure are cute in your matching jerseys. :) Love you guys! Can't wait for our visit in May!

joyous said...

Super-fun! Your spread looked amazing....I'm jealous. :) Love the jerseys too, you guys are too cute! Hope your birthday week is going well so far!

alyssa said...

that party was seriously so fun and delish!!

sara said...

Sounds like you guys have lot of fun together! I like the jersey's!

Mom said...

How come you didn't invite me?? Sounds like fun!! Miss you!! Call me. . . I have a proposal!!