Tuesday, March 22, 2016

July 2015 Part 2

After we got back from the Olson Family Reunion it was time to celebrate Wilson's 1st Birthday!!!

So, first things first we got him a big boy hair cut!! I can't believe how much older it made him look!

 He's still our chubby little thing but looks so different!

 Brad and I have been so lucky to be blessed with Wilson.  Looking back at his Brand New picture to his 1 year old picture, we can't help but reminisce and enjoy the memories the last year has brought us.  Watching him learn and grow has been probably the greatest joy to Brad and I.  We feel very blessed to be his mom and dad! Wilson we love you lots and lots and we will continue to love you and love watching you grow up!

Planning Wilson's birthday party was so much fun! We did a coloring/snack table for his friends and cousins.

Uncle Rick made these templates for the party so the kids would be coloring cute pictures of Wilson!

We had a bunch of family and friends at Wilson's Birthday Party! We did pizza, salad, and chips! For dessert we did a cute cake and I made "1" Rice Krispies!

Having Dean's Birthday Party before Wilson's really paid off because I copied things that Jules did for Dean's party! haha
I stole her idea for this banner that has all of Wilson's month pictures on it! It turned out so cute and I'm so glad I have a creative sister!

We also stole this cute idea of a balloon pit from Lincoln's Birthday Party.  Wilson had so much fun in the balloon pit at his party, we knew we had to have it at Wilson's party! 

Wilson did pretty good and loved all the attention from his friends and family!

When we saw this piñata at the store WE HAD to get it for him! It was huge but it was also a huge hit!
Here's Lincoln taking a swing!

Little Alexa trying to get a piece of it!

Thank goodness we had some older/stronger cousins to really make a dent in that thing! Rylie, Tyson, and Weston were our muscles!

 Wilson had a turn but he just really liked to play with it! Since Tyson didn't get to hit his own piñata at his birthday in October we thought we would let him bust open Wilsons for everyone!
Since it was a huge piñata, that meant plenty of room for candy and prizes!!

 Even after practicing with a small cupcake at the family reunion Wilson was not a fan of his cake! He was super cute but didn't love the frosting or even eating it! haha

Cute group picture of Brad's side of the family celebrating Wilson with us!

 Wilson's party was such a blast and we love and appreciate everyone that was able to come and party with us!
Wilson was completely pooped after and crashed almost immediately when we got him in his carseat.  After getting him out of the car, into the house, and unloading everything he was still passed out!

 We also had the fun opportunity to see Grandma Nan while she was in town with her sister Gwen for  a wedding! We don't get to see her often so we take every chance we can to see her when she comes up to Utah!
Liz won best cousin for playing and distracting Wilson whenever we came over to Shannon's house while all the Henshaw girls were visiting in Utah! After the family reunion Joy and the girls did a little mini vacation and ended up by us because Mimi was doing a gymnastics camp at BYU!

Sam's club had these AWESOME capris this summer and us Olson girls got hooked! So of course we had to all wear ours at the same time and have a photo op!

It's official, last month picture! Still can't believe this cute boy is 1!!

We didn't do our normal Lewiston 4th of July this year so we decide to go up for the 24th Pioneer Day!  It also worked out because we had our first Dattage Family Reunion the next day!
Wilson visiting the cows behind CeCe's, he wasn't too sure!

 That night we went over to the Wardell's for yummy fajita, sparklers, and an outdoor movie! It was so much fun to hang with everyone and a perfect way to celebrate!

Here was the set up! It was a chilly night so I had Wilson in warm jammies and covered him in 2 blankets, he was asleep within the first few minutes of the movie!

His first ride on the 4-wheeler!

The next day was the Dattage Family Reunion! We went to a fun place right outside Logan that does "Redneck" Slip n' Slides!! It was awesome and scary all at the same time! One of our cousins is a police officer and he took a break to come and clock how fast everyone was going! Brad was the fastest at 32 MPH!! So insane!

 It was fun to see family we either haven't seen in years or have never met! Wilson loved watching everyone go down the slide, so while I went down he hung out with Great Grandma Olson! 
I had to include the cute picture of Brad and Wilson!

So far this year we have been so lucky to see G & G Olson 3 times! 

Visiting with Aunt Glenda we a ton of fun! She's as sassy and funny as ever, it was so fun to see her and Uncle Jake!

Now that Wilson is getting better at walking he LOVED wandering the park area and had so much fun!

On our way home we stopped by the Denton's for a visit! Brad was reading a cute book to Alexa and it was the sweetest thing, she was so happy!

With SO much fun going on this month we also had to get ready for a move! Brad got accepted to Utah Valley University and is going into their communications program to become a sports journalist! We are super excited about this move and excited about what this experience will bring!
But trying to get us all packed and ready for a move was exhausting!

This little one was not helpful while I tried to pack, luckily we have great people in our ward that were willing to watch Wilson while I got stuff done! We were all ready to go and had lots of help from those in Taylorsville and tons of help in Orem! We really lucked out!

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